
Do you love me?
(John 21:17)

The motto of the Summer Services is from the Gospel of John: “Do you love me?” (John 21:17). This is the question of the resurected Jesus to Peter, the disciple who had previously denied knowing Jesus in the courtyard of the high priest. In the verse chosen as the motto, Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. One can think of the question as being addressed not only to Peter but also to all mankind. The motto prompts reflection on one’s personal desire to believe.

The service gate and the emblem of the Summer Services have been designed based on Tauno Walkeajärvi’s idea. The background of the emblem features the blue surface of a lake, representing Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee) – the meeting place of Jesus and Peter. The emblem combines a heart and a question mark. The white heart is divided into two halves: on the left side are Jesus’s words and on the right side is a question mark.


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