Accident and risk situations

What to do in the event of an accident

In an accident situation, acting quickly and correctly can make all the difference!

– In the event of an accident, provide assistance.
– Prevent further damage, for example by clearing the area around the burning object of any objects liable to ignite.
– In the event of a fire, rescue those in danger.
– Extinguish the fire with the nearest fire extinguisher.
– Call the emergency number 112.
– Guide help to the scene.
– If the burning object is an electric car, remember to mention it when you report the emergency.
– The Service area is a groundwater area.
– Report even a small oil spill to 112.
– First, prevent the damage from getting worse.
– If you have a medical emergency, call 112 and follow the first aid instructions.
– In non-urgent cases, help and advice can be obtained from the Safety Office, tel. 040 132 0763.


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