

The common goal is to hold a safe Summer Services

To ensure a safe Summer Services, the organiser of the Summer Services issues safety guidelines and regulations that every visitor must follow. Any incidents that jeopardise safety must be addressed and reported to the Security Office, tel. + 358 40 132 0763.

  • Children’s parents or guardians are responsible for their children during the services. Children should lodge with their parents and their whereabouts and actions should be supervised.
  • It is forbidden to gather, move, lodge or park in private areas not belonging to the Summer Services.
  • Swimming is prohibited in the waters near the service area.
  • It is forbidden to build an open fire, use a camping stove, or barbecue.
  • Unnecessary use of vehicles in the service area is prohibited.
  • Unauthorised use of drones over the service area is prohibited.
  • Smoking in the main area is permitted only in the designated smoking areas. Utmost care must be taken when smoking in the areas of accomodation, especially in wooded areas.
  • Possession and use of alcohol or other drugs is prohibited in the Summer Service area.
  • The possession and use of explosives, including fireworks, is prohibited in the service area.
  • The possession of instruments capable of bodily harm or damaging property in the service area are prohibited.
  • Service guests are entitled to a night’s rest. Vehicle traffic or any other noise disturbance in the service area is prohibited during the night from 1 am to 6 am, with the exception of essential traffic.

When preparing for the trip to Summer Services

  1. Set aside time for preparations and familiarize yourself with the information regarding the Summer Services. You can find it in, for example, the “Suviseurat” edition of the Päivämies and on the Summer Service website
  2. Make sure that your motorhome and its equipment are in good condition. Check that your fire extinguisher has been serviced.
  3. Reserve platforms for the support legs of your camper or motorhome. No damage may be caused to the paved surfaces of the Service area.
  4. If your intention is to set up tent structures and canopies in the event area, be prepared to anchor them securely to withstand wind. Do not use ground stakes on paved surfaces. Bring along water containers. They are safe to transport empty. You can also use items from your vehicle, such as a spare tire, for anchoring.
  5. Don’t take pets with you, arrange a place for them to stay during the summer services. You can take a guide dog if you need one. Also, do not take skateboards, scooters or electric scooters. It is not safe to use them in service area.
  6. Check out the service organisers’ guidelines on routes to summer services. Allow enough time to get there, don’t drive tired. Follow the signs along the way to avoid traffic jams when approaching the service area. When on your way, listen to the summer service radio, you can also get directions from there.

Arriving at the Service area

Welcome to Summer Services! Safe Summer Services can be achieved by working together.

  1. Great that you arrived safely, hopefully your journey went well! If you’re staying on-site, we hope you pay attention to the safety of your camping spot, so that we all can stay safe. Make sure that you have kept emergency routes clear.
  2. No indentations or holes shall be made in the paved surfaces of the runway. Place platforms under the support legs of the campers or motorhomes.
  3. It can be windy in the service area. Attach the tent structures according to the manufacturer’s instructions, but on paved surfaces, attach a minimum weight of 10 kg to each ground anchorage.
  4. Find out the location and fuction of the nearest fire extinguisher in addition to your own vehicle’s fire extinguisher. Leave the storage for the gas bottle compartment unlocked and handle for support legs jacks in a visible location.
  5. Prepare food only with heating appliances intended for use in recreational vehicles. The use of a quiet generator is allowed during the day for health reasons.
  6. See the map accompanying the program leaflet. Locate your accommodation using the location grid on the map. Make a note of the location code on the lodging payment form and place the form in a visible place.
  7. Keep your lodging area clean. Take your rubbish, toilet waste and grey water waste to the collection points in the service area. Do not release any waste into the ground.
  8. No pets, skateboards, scooters or electric scooters are allowed in the club area. Only guide dogs are allowed.
  9. Daytime parking is only allowed in designated areas. Do not park on the paths, roads and emergency routes. Bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles must be left in their designated parking area.
  10. Biodegradable detergents and shampo should be used in showers and hand-washing areas to protect groundwater.

When moving around the service area

  1. Avoid going to the main area when you have a cold or are ill.
  2. Maintain good hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after using the toilet. Hand disinfectant is available at restaurant and grill serving stations and is sold in the shop and pharmacy. Always use disinfectant with dry hands.
  3. People with stomach flu should go to home to heal due to the risk of spreading the infection. Infections are easily transmitted in the camping conditions.
  4. Provide your child with a name tag or a bracelet with the parents’ phone numbers. The bracelets are sold at the info desk and in the shop.
  5. Only take drinking water from designated drinking water points or buy bottled water from a shop.
  6. Buy food from the liter sales point for one meal only, as food spoils quickly in the heat.
  7. Place strollers and wheelchairs on the wide aisles leading from the ends of the tent so that exit routes remain unobstructed.

Inside the Service tent

The central purpose of the Summer Services takes place in the service tent. The safety of gathering in the main tent is guided by assigned staff. Please follow their instructions. Place strollers and wheelchairs on the wide aisles leading from the ends so that the exit routes remain unobstructed. Separate instructions will be given for the communion service


News from Summer Services