Phone charging station

Opening hours

Phone charging station
Wednesday 12 noon – 10 pm
Thursday-Saturday 10 am – 10pm
Sunday 11am – 10 pm
Monday 10am -3pm

Mobile phones can be charged at the ice-cream shops from Wednesday.

Customer myst bring own charger. Cost 2 €. Charging time about 2 hours. Your phone must be switched off while charging.

Mobile networks may occasionally experience congestion, with calls not connecting or messages not being transmitted (“network busy”). Avoid unnecessary use of your mobile phone, especially downloading and sending videos. Videos cause a heavy load on the network When possible, try to use SMS or WhatsApp instead of calling. Visitors are advised to avoid watching streamed broadcasts from the service tent while at the services, to avoid overloading the network.

Using the emergency number for non-emergency calls is strictly prohibited.


News from Summer Services