Welcome to SRK’s Summer Services in Pudasjärvi!
The Central Association of Conservative Laestadians in Finland (SRK) Summer Services will be held in Pudasjärvi from June 28th to July 1st, 2024. The motto of these Summer Services is “Do you love me?” (John 21:17). This question posed by Jesus causes each service guest to consider, Is Jesus dear to me? Am I his follower? Where am I going?
The venue for the Summer Services is the airport area owned by the city of Pudasjärvi. The previous time Summer Services were held in this same location was in 1998 and 2013. The area has been developed and expanded in collaboration with the city of Pudasjärvi to better serve the organization of large events.
The organizing responsibility for the Summer Services lie with the associations of peace (RY) Kuusamo, Jakkukylä, Kiiminki, Posio, Pudasjärvi, Ranua, Taivalkoski, Ylikiiminki, and Yli-Ii. The main responsibility for the organization of the summer services lies with the Kuusamo RY. Organizing the Summer Services has required a lot of cooperation with the city of Pudasjärvi, various authorities, airport users, churches, and local residents. The cooperation has been good and constructive, and we thank everyone for that. We are also grateful for the patience shown by local people regarding the arrangements for these services.
We have prepared for the Summer Services with grateful hearts. God has abundantly blessed our work. Our prayer is that in arranging the Summer Services, the word of God would call people into his Kingdom and refresh the hearers of the word.
We warmly welcome everyone to the Summer Services in Pudasjärvi!
The main planning committee of Summer Services

From SRK’s “How we believe” page”, you can read more about the central message of the Summer Services and our faith.
You can listen to the sermons from previous Summer Services here.