Summer Services

Summer Services

The Summer Services is an annual event of the Conservative Lestadian revival movement. It is also an international and the largest spiritual event in the Nordic countries. Conservative Lestadianism is one of the revival movements within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

The most important aspect at the services are the sermons, which are based on scripture, along with singing together and meeting one another. We want to relate of the secure message of the forgiveness of sins and call people unto repentance. Majority of the service guests will lodge at the service area.

In addition to the sermons, there will be a communion service in the large service tent on Saturday and a worship service and Sunday school on Sunday. Worship services are also held in nearby churches in cooperation with local congregations on Sunday of Summer Services.

All are welcome to the Summer Services. The event is free of charge.

2023 Summer Services in Kauhava

God willing, the 2023 Summer Services of the SRK will be held in Kauhava from June 30 to July 3, 2023.

The services will be held at the Kauhava Airport. The airport has previously served as an airforce school, which was closed down in 2014. Kauhava is located in Southern Ostrobothnia, about 40 kilometers from Seinäjoki. Kauhava has about 15,000 inhabitants.

Seinäjoki ry has the main responsibility for organizing the Summer Services. The rys of the Kokkola region, Perho, Alajärvi, Alavus, Halsua and its surroundings, Evijärvi, Kauhava and Lapua, Lappajärvi, Pietarsaari, Vaasa region, Vimpel and Ähtäri also participate in the organization of these Summer Services.

Our prayer is that God would guide the planning of these services. We ask that the Word of God would invite into the Kingdom of God and refresh the listeners of the Word at the 2023 Kauhava Summer Services.

The main planning committee of Kauhava Summer Services