Welcome to the 2022 summer services at Loppi!
If God wills, the 2022 Summer Services of the SRK will be held in Loppi, at the Räyskälä airport on July 1-4, 2022.
The teaching of Jesus “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark. 10:14) has been chosen to be the motto of the services. It embodies the simplicity of faith, trust in God’s care, and permission to have security in Him.
The Summer services, organized as volunteer work, is an annual summer celebration of conservative Laestadianism, one of the revival movements of the Evangelical lutheran Church of Finland.
Read more on the central message and faith of the Summer Services on the SRK website.
You are warmly welcome to follow the preparations, and participate in the Summer services next summer!