Infections (e.g., vomiting and diarrhea) spread easily in campground settings. The overall health condition of an infected person can deteriorate quickly. If you’re sick you should stay home to recuperate, and if you get a stomach flu during the services, you should go home to treat it. If you end up in the hospital because of a stomach flu you should mention that you were at the Summer Services so that the cause of a possible epidemic can be traced.
Clean hands are especially important in preventing an epidemic. You should wash your hands with soap and water and apply a disinfectant to your dried hands after using the WC. Also apply a disinfectant to your hands before eating.
You should also have a disinfectant handy if you are lodging in an RV or a tent. The convenience store sells disinfectants.
Clean drinking water is available at the drinking water faucets or you can buy bottled water from the convenience store. If you buy food from the bulk food sales point, buy just enough for one meal. Food goes bad quickly in warm weather.
Pets are not allowed at the service site for safety and hygiene reasons. Reserve a place for your pet at a kennel during the services.
The Summer Service first aid station is on call from 10:00 Thursday June 30 to 15:30 Monday July 4. The first aid station is intended for patients in need of immediate treatment. For other healthcare issues you should visit your own healthcare center or doctor. Remember to take your regular medication, healthcare essentials, and prescriptions with you to the services.
The first aid office can be reached by phone during the services: 040 1320 753
A polyclinic fee of €10/person will be charged at the first aid station to cover material expenses.
An emergency care unit can be contacted by calling the emergency number 112 or contacting the nearest security guard or traffic director. In case of an emergency, make note of your own location on the map of the service site. The emergency care unit is on call during the entire services.
The children’s care center is situated in the main service area. The children’s care center includes a facility for lost children, a breastfeeding station (equipped with a microwave oven for heating food), and a children’s bathing station. When the facility for lost children is closed, lost children are brought to the security booth. Remember to fasten a nametag to your children’s clothing or a wristband with their parents’ phone numbers on it. Wristbands are sold at the info booth and by the cashiers in the convenience store and cafeteria. The children’s care center can be reached by phone during the services: 040 132 0760
There is a Summer Service pharmacy near the first aid station. The pharmacy is stocked with the most common self-treatment medications, bandages, and other pharmacy products. Prescription medications prescribed by a doctor are brought to the service site from a pharmacy in Tornio a few times a day.
The elders’ rest stop is meant for service guests who need a place to rest during the day due to high age or poor condition. There is a charging station for medical devices near the elders’ rest stop where it is also possible to use your own electric-powered respiration device.
The INVA area is reserved exclusively for service guests with an INVA parking permit granted by the police. The shower and WC in the INVA area are meant for disabled service guests only. Their family members and escorts should use the ordinary WCs and showers.
There are parking places in the INVA area that are equipped with electric outlets for service guests who need to use an electric-powered treatment, medical, or other device due to their illness. These places must be reserved in advance with a written application addressed to the healthcare committee, which allots the places as needed. Application instructions will be published in the Päivämies paper and on the Summer Service internet pages in April.
There is a charging station for medical devices at the elders’ rest stop. It is also possible to use your own electric-powered respiration device.
There are children’s bathing stations near the WCs. They are intended for children with diapers. There are separate bathing areas for children with diarrhea. Please bring your own towels, diapers, and soap.