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Waste disposal during the services complies with currently effective waste disposal regulations. Cafeteria waste is sorted into organic and non-organic waste bins. All waste from the lodging areas is collected into non-organic waste bins. Recyclable plastic bottles are collected into their respective bins.
Waste collection bins at the service site and near the bathrooms are marked with signs.
Plastic bottles and caps should be placed in the bottle bags or bins at the collection sites.
No hazardous fluids or waste should be dumped on the ground. Wastewater must be emptied into the wastewater tanks located next to the bathrooms.
Hygiene instructions
Infections are contracted and spread easily in campground settings. For this reason, all service guests are expected to abide by the following hygiene instructions:
- Wash and disinfect your hands regularly; always before eating and always after using the bathrooms.
- Hand disinfectant is available at the service cafeteria and grills. Disinfectant can also be purchased from the convenience store at the service site.
- The tap water at the service site is clean. Bottled water may be purchased from the convenience store at the service site.
- Purchase bulk food (by the liter) for only one meal at a time, since prepared food will spoil quickly in warm weather.