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Summer Services on the Radio
It is possible to listen to the Summer Services at the service site via the service radio, throughout Finland via different radio channels, and online at www.suviseurat.fi. YLE Radio 1 will send a broadcast from the services on Sunday, June 30, 2013, 18:00–19:00.
The most important purpose of the Summer Service radio is to transmit the sermons to those who are not able to attend the services. During the breaks between sermons the program consists of hymns and songs of Zion broadcast from the service tent or from recordings, as well as interviews and discussions on various topics.
In the interviews, believers of different ages talk about their daily life and their faith. Local programs focus on Pudasjärvi and its neighboring municipalities. Some of the content is biblical. Every day there are also programs for children. The Summer Service radio also has 1–3 daily broadcasts covering current events, like the meetings and news briefings held during the services.
You can send feedback about the Pudasjärvi Summer Service radio to radio@suviseurat.fi.
Summer Service radio broadcast schedule
Wed, June 26 |
13:00–22:00 |
Thu, June 27 |
12:00–23:00 |
Fri, June 28 to Sun, June 30 |
8:00–23:00 |
Mon, July 1 |
8:00–21:00 |
Archived recordings
The sermons and some of the radio programs will be archived for later listening on the Internet.
Sermons can be heard via daily program links on the Service Schedule page.
Programs can be heard via daily program links on the Summer Service Radio page.
Service Radio
It is possible to listen to the service radio at the service site and in the vicinity. All the events that take place in the service tent are broadcast.
Nearly all the sermons are translated into seven languages. It is possible to listen to real-time or archived sermons online at www.suviseurat.fi in Finnish, English, Swedish, Russian, Estonian, German, French, and Spanish. Most of the sermons can also be heard in the different languages at the service site or in the vicinity via FM radio.
Finnish |
98.2 MHz |
English |
94.6 MHz |
Swedish |
91.1 MHz |
German and Russian |
89.7 MHz |
Estonian and Spanish |
88.4 MHz |
French |
free frequency |