Welcome to the Summer Services in Vaasa!

If God wills, the next Summer Services will be arranged in Vaasa June 26–29, 2015. The service site is situated in an area of fields in Söderfjärden about 10 kilometers south of Vaasa’s city center. The site is one of the world’s best preserved meteor craters, located near a Swedish-speaking village.

The fields in close proximity to the sea are a nationally significant stopping area for migratory birds. Next summer the area will serve as a stopping place and festive area for all summer service guests.

The main arranger of the Vaasa Summer Services is the Vaasa region RY together with 10 other nearby RYs. We ask for God’s blessings for the arrangements of the coming services.

We wish to extend everyone a warm welcome to come to Vaasa to hear the word of God!


Main committee