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Welcome to Pyhäjoki


If God wills, SRK’s Summer Services will be arranged in Pyhäjoki June 27–30, 2014. The Summer Services invite all people to hear the word of God; we are reminded of this by the motto chosen from the familiar Christmas gospel in the Bible: “I bring you good tidings of great joy” (Luke 2: 10). People leave their daily chores to travel to the Summer Services, just like the shepherds who hurried to see the baby Jesus upon hearing the angels’ message. The motto speaks to all people. The message brings security to believers; by believing the gospel of the kingdom of God we have been able to experience great joy in our hearts. For those who have become estranged from faith it is an invitation back to the joy which is experienced among believers.

Pyhäjoki is located south of Oulu on route 8 between Raahe and Kalajoki. The distance to Oulainen is 40 kilometers. The service site is situated in the fields of Yppäri close to the sea. The sea and Pyhäjoki River place their own strong label on the old, historic municipality.

The main organizer of the Pyhäjoki Summer Services is the Oulainen RY together with 13 other RYs in the vicinity.

We pray that God will bless the service arrangements and the coming Summer Services. Everyone is warmly welcome to Pyhäjoki!


Executive Committee